HomeDuran DuranTribute BandsThe ReFlex Duran Duran Tribute Band

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Kaleb Black

Notoriousaurus Rex

I became interested in Duran Duran in about 1982 and have followed them ever since. I love the catchy songs, exotic videos and the band members themselves. I’ve always found Duran Duran have been able to keep up and still put out great music. To me, they are and will always be GOAT.

The ReFlex Duran Duran Tribute Band

Atlanta GA, USA

The ReFlex, a dynamic Duran Duran tribute band, features a seasoned lineup of Atlanta musicians. Vocalist Stuart Anthony, whose background includes singing with symphonies and in national ads, fronts the group alongside bassist Eric Vassy, a prog rock and new wave enthusiast who’s shared stages with major acts. Drummer Jeremy Kidd, a lifelong musician with extensive touring experience, brings his rhythmic prowess, while keyboardist Howard Flint, inspired by 80s synth-pop, recreates the iconic Duran Duran soundscapes. Guitarist Ruff Lee, whose diverse musical journey spans genres and continents, adds his expressive playing to complete the band’s authentic and energetic performances.

Band Members

  • Lead vocals: Stuart Anthony
  • Bass: Eric Vassy
  • Drums: Jeremy Kidd
  • Keyboards: Howard Flint
  • Guitar: Ruff Lee

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Live Shows

Get to know The ReFlex Duran Duran Tribute Band

How did your band come together? Where are you from and where do you perform?

Eric Vassey: The original idea came from our lead singer. He had some folks he was talking to about a tribute band and Duran Dura came up as an option. First and foremost, he needed a bass player and keyboard/synth player. After a few attempts at finding personnel, we came to the current lineup. We are based out of Atlanta, GA and we perform around the southeast.     

What’s your personal Duran Duran origin story? When did you first become a fan?

EV: I grew up playing bass through the 80’s and was really in to both Prog Rock and New Wave… so when Duran Duran hit, as a bass player it was a lightning bolt! John’s pulsating and funky style was a perfect counterpoint to the smooth new wave sound and I was in love with it immediately – jumping in to learn their songs, from the first time I heard Planet Earth. 

Have you ever met the band or any of its members?

EV: I haven’t had the chance, but obviously I would love to meet and talk to John Taylor about his style and influences!

Was there a specific moment, album, or song that made you decide to start a tribute band?

EV: Everyone in the band has played as full time professionals at some point or another and some of us still do. Tribute bands are huge right now because people want to feel that nostalgia – it was just a matter of finding the right band to pay tribute to and the right people to pull it off.

Which Duran Duran song is the most fun to play live, and which one is the most challenging?

EV: Well of course Rio is always fun and a challenge, especially after playing two hours of DD material. There is also a very challenging part in Ordinary World where I’m singing backup vocals against a VERY different bass line, so that always requires focus. 

Do you try to sound exactly like Duran Duran or do you put your own special spin on the sound and vibe?

EV: We try and do both! We want people to have the experience they came for… so it is important that we match the feel and tone and style of DD. But we have also added our own arrangements to a few song so all of the band members can stretch out a bit and show our versatility!

Do you ever mix up your setlist with deep cuts or lesser-known B-sides, or do you focus on the big hits?

EV: For our two hour set we certainly throw in some lesser known songs and B sides, in additional to all the hits. For shorter sets we usually focus on the hits. We even toss in some Power Station now and then to give people some ‘extra’!

If you could play just one Duran Duran album live in its entirety, which one would it be and why?

EV: Oh that is tough! But for pure fun and satisfaction it would probably be Rio. We are already doing most of it… though Seven and the Ragged Tiger would be up there too!

Duran Duran is known for its incredible style—do you try to capture their fashion and stage presence in your performances?

EV: We model our look and style after ‘modern’ Duran Duran… stylish and elegant… but always with a hint of 80’s flair!

How do you approach recreating their signature sound, from Simon’s vocals to Nick’s synths and John’s bass grooves?

EV: Well, we created tracks for every song in the set list because we needed them to built our own custom videos for EVERY song we play! So that gave us all a chance to find the right sounds, patches and tones… then it was easy to recreate them live.

Which era of Duran Duran (Rio-era, New Romantics, Notorious funk, Wedding Album comeback, Paper Gods Danse Macabre, etc.) influences your tribute band the most?

EV: Well for me it is the Rio-Notorious era… for a bass player that is the wheelhouse for some incredibly fun and tasty bass playing! But I will say I LOVE the Danse Macabre album and Black Moonlight is as good as anything they have ever done!

Have you had any memorable fan interactions?

EV: I was at the bar before a show, and not yet in my ‘gear’ and a woman beside me had on a T-shirt that said… ‘The Chauffeur’ on it. I asked it she liked that song and she said it was her favorite, then she said… but no way this band plays that song. So I made a friendly wager that if they played the song she would owe me a ‘The ReFlex’ t shirt and if they didn’t I owed her one. Of course once we were on stage and she realized I was in the band I could see her smiling… and we played it and dedicated it to her… and I got her a ‘The ReFlex’ shit for being a good sport. 

What’s the most wild, surreal or unexpected experience you’ve had as a Duran Duran tribute band?

EV: I think the main thing is just every single show… realizing how powerful and meaningful Duran Duran’s music is to people. From the energy and dancing and screaming lyrics during songs like The Reflex or Hungry Like the Wolf or Girl’s On Film… to watching the emotion and nostalgia and almost teary eyed response people have to songs like Ordinary World, Come Undone or Save a Prayer. Duran Duran’s music endures for a reason. 

Have you ever had a Duranie request a song that caught you off guard or made you think, “Wow, we need to add that to the set”?

EV: Oh certainly! And we will be! But usually when we play things like Electric Barbarella or Anyone Out There it makes the deep cuts folks happy. 

What’s the biggest or most exciting venue you’ve played as a tribute band?

EV: There are so many. Madlife Stage and Studios in Woodstock GA is a fantastic venue, as is Amos’s and BoatYard LNK (both in the Charlotte area) and also Club LA in Destin Florida. We have new places coming up in 2025 that we haven’t played before so I am sure that ‘favorite venue’ list will grow!

What’s your favorite Duran Duran deep cut that you think deserves more love?

EV: Anyone Out There is a great song because it has ALL the elements that made Duran Duran great, but they weren’t QUITE there yet… so it is a good way to show how talented they were at such a young age. 

If Duran Duran themselves were in the audience at one of your shows, what’s the one song you’d want to play for them?

EV: I think our version of Girl’s On Film is really great! We have an extended ending that is outstanding. And also our ‘wrapper’ for View To A Kill is quite unique as well. 

What’s one thing you’d love Duran Duran fans to know about your tribute band?

EV: Our show is a multimedia extravaganza. You don’t just get the music, but we have amazing custom videos for every song. It is a feast for the ears AND the eyes!

Where can fans find your performances, and do you have any upcoming shows, special events, or anything you’d like to promote?

EV: We have shows coming up in Charlotte NC, Athens GA, Destin FL and Trussvile AL, all within the next couple of months, in addition to local shows in the ATL area (Woodstock and Canton)… fans can find our shows and watch performance videos and see bios on the band members at https://www.thereflextribute.com/

Discover more Duran Duran tribute bands

Get to know Duran Duran tribute bands and discover the ultimate fans who bring the sound, style, and energy of the iconic group to life. Discover their story, setlists, and what makes their performances a must-see for Duranies everywhere!

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